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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    25 May 2003 Volume 23 Issue 1
    The Bioactivities and Synthesis of Theanine
    LU Yi, GUO Wen-fei, NI Jie-er, YANG Xian-qiang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  1-5.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.001
    Abstract ( 685 )   PDF (450KB) ( 1072 )  
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    The recent researches have found that theanine, an unique and important component in tea plants, has many bioactivities, and made it get more and more attention. The property, bioactivities, and industrial preparation of theanine are reviewed.
    Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated and Particle Bombardment-mediated Transformation Systems in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
    WU Shan, LIANG Yue-rong, LU Jian-liang, KIM Hyesuk, WU Ying
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  6-10.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.002
    Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (318KB) ( 355 )  
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    When tea explants were pre-cultured on medium containing PVP 16g/L for 2-3d before infiltrated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens the transformation frequency was increased. Optimum conditions for preparing bombardment micro-particle were as follows: 10βµl tungsten suspension (60βmg/1ml), 1.6βµl plasmid DNA (1βµg/βµl), 4βµl spermidin (0.1βmol/L) and 15βµl CaCl2 (l2.5βmol/L). Ethanol was used to dilute the final volume up to 48βµl. The loading volume for each bombardment was 8-10βµl. The survival rate of resistant calli was 5.0%-12.1%, when the bombarded explants were cultured on selection media with kanamycin or hygromycin.
    Effect of Oolong Tea Polysaccharide on Hepatic-nephritic Antioxidation and Histomorphology in the Diabetic Rats
    NI De-jiang, CHEN Yu-qiong, SONG Chun-he, XIE Bi-jun, ZHOU Shi-qi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  11-15.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.003
    Abstract ( 469 )   PDF (477KB) ( 467 )  
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    The influence of polysaccharide extracted from Oolong tea(OTPS) on hepatic-nephritic anti oxidation and histomorphology in mice with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes(MD) was investigated. Results showed that SOD and GSH-PX activity was increased and MDA content decreased in liver and kidney of MD mice fed OTPS for 4 weeks. OTPS had the function of improving the antioxidation and protecting the liver and kidney of MD mice.
    The Improvement of Isolation and The Method of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis of Protein from Tea Plant
    LIN Jin-ke, ZHENG Jin-gui, YUAN Ming, ZHANG Xue-qin, WANG Feng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  16-20.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.004
    Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (699KB) ( 412 )  
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    Study on the Correlation between the Principal Factors during Scenting Process for Jasmine Tea
    FANG Shi-hui, XU Guo-qian, XIA Tao, LI Li-xiang, WAN Xiao-chun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  21-26.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.005
    Abstract ( 648 )   PDF (349KB) ( 333 )  
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    Four principal factors including the water content of tea dhool (WCTD), the rate of jasmine flower to tea dhool (RJF), the temperature in tea stack (T) and the scenting time (ST) during scenting process for jasmine tea were studied. Factor levels in integration test were optimized by DPS. For the purpose of increasing the contents of essential oil absorbed by tea dhool, the optimal combination of factor levels was as follows: the water content of tea dhool was 17.9%~20.0%, the rate of jasmine flower to tea dhool was 73.7%~77.6%, the temperature in tea stack was 27.2℃~29.7℃ and scenting time was 12.7βh~14.0βh. For the purpose of obtaining the higher overall quality of jasmine tea, the optimal combination of factor levels was as follows: the water content of tea dhool was 16.9%~20.0%, the rate of jasmine flower to tea dhool was 62.0%~69.8%, the temperature in tea stack was 29.3℃~32.2℃ and scenting time was 12.5βh~13.8βh.
    Study On New Tea Green Pigment-Sodium-zinc Chlorophyllin
    YANG Xiao-ping, GUO Da-yong, ZHANG Qing-hua
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  27-30.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.006
    Abstract ( 561 )   PDF (306KB) ( 191 )  
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    New pure natural tea green pigment-sodium zinc chlorophyllin was extracted from low grade tea and waste tea, and its stability was investigated. The results showed that the pigment was water-solubile pigment, with fresh green color, it remained stable under different conditions and is a good natural nourishing healthy edible pigment.
    Changes of Aroma Constituents during Zuoqing Procedure and Its Relation to Oolong Tea Quality
    HUANG Fu-ping, CHEN Rong-bin, LIANG Yue-rong, CHEN Wei, LU Jiang-lian, CHEN Chang-song, YOU Xiao-mei
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  31-37.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.007
    Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (352KB) ( 365 )  
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    Changes of aroma constituents during Zuoqing procedure and their relation to Oolong tea quality were studied by GC/MS analysis by using the shoots of Camellia sinensis Var. Wuyi Rougui. The results indicated that the concentration of essential constituents such as hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal 1-pentanol, linalool oxide(I), linalool oxide(II), (z)-hexanoic,3-hexenyl ester+benzeneacetaldehyde, .α-farnesene, geraniol, phenylethyl alcohol, β-ionone, jasmone, nerolidol, indole increased with the increasing of the intensity of Zuoqing treatment, which resulted in the improvement of Oolong tea quality. It was also shown that nerolidol was the characteristic aroma consituent of Fujian Oolong tea and it can be used as one of indicators of the quality of Rougui Oolong tea.
    The Mathematical Model of Tea Rolling
    YANG Yuan-qing, YIN Jie
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  38-40.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.008
    Abstract ( 561 )   PDF (224KB) ( 342 )  
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    In tea rolling, the rolled twig rate is expressed as the regularity of twice curve equation with the extension of rolling time, the mathematical equation is: y=5.6277x–0.077x2–17.1439 and the broken cell rate is expressed as the regularity of the natural logarithm curve equation, the mathematical equation is: y=85.3e-11.9/x . For improving the quality of tea, the rolling time would be controlled between 30~40βminutes.
    Effect of Airflow on Zuoqing Environment and Quality of Oolong Tea
    JIN Xin-yi, WANG Xiu-ping, JI Ke-wen, MA Cui-lan, BAO Gui-lin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  41-45.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.009
    Abstract ( 495 )   PDF (414KB) ( 321 )  
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    In order to prove up the effect of airflow on Zuoqing environment、physiological change of leaves and quality of Oolong tea, we determine on-line the air parameters including the air temperature, relative humidity, air quality and respiration rate of leaves under two air-conditioned Zuoqing environment respectively simulating direct pressure and all-around blast or airtight one during Zuoqing course. The experiment indicates that the air relative humidity and content of CO2 of leaf-layers and respiration rate of leaves under two airflow conditions showed ultimately marked difference. The quality of Oolong tea made under the blast environment is superior to that made under the other one.
    Study on the Extraction of Tea Juices from Fresh Green Tea Leaves
    ZHANG Ling-yun, LIANG Yue-rong, SUN Qi-fu, SUN Qing-lei, LU Jian-liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  46-50.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.010
    Abstract ( 446 )   PDF (297KB) ( 445 )  
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    An orthogonal experiment was applied to study the effect of extraction temperature, duration and ratio of tea to water on the quality of fresh green tea juice. The results showed that with rising of extracting temperature and extending of extracting duration, the extracted solids yield increased, the color of infusion turned to yellow and lightness of infusion decreased, and tea cream raised obviously. The optimum conditions of the extraction were as fallows: the ratio of tea to water 1:60, the temperature 50℃, and the extraction duration 10βmin.
    Effects of Different Radiation Treatments on The Content of Chemical Components and Quality of Puer-Tea
    ZHOU Shu-hong, GONG Shu-ying
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  51-56.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.011
    Abstract ( 476 )   PDF (362KB) ( 368 )  
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    Through experiment with treatments of various dosages of radiation and different initial water contents in Puer-tea, it was found that contents of amino acid, tea polyphenols and the oxidation products of polyphenols were increased; oppositely, caffeine and catechins, particularly the compound catechins were decreased; In addition, the radiation treatments had no negative effect on the organoleptic quality of Puer-tea.
    Comparison on the Population Dynamics and Leafhopper Resistance on Different Tea Cultivars
    HU Ke-ming, ZHANG Yan-mei, WANG Jia-fang, XIE Tai-hua
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  57-60.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.012
    Abstract ( 563 )   PDF (268KB) ( 396 )  
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    The difference on the population dynamics of the leafhopper and resistance existed on different clonal tea plants. In our study the clonal EF showed the strongest resistance to leafhopper than other cultivars. The clonal JGDBC and YT showed the highest susceptibility. These represent the differences of insect resistance among tea cultivars cultivated in production.
    Study on the Variation of Cold Resistance of Tea Plant in Shandong Province
    SUN Zhong-xu, LIU Jing, QIU Zhi-lin, ZHAO Shu-ping, ZANG Ling
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  61-65.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.013
    Abstract ( 393 )   PDF (292KB) ( 183 )  
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    Clustering analysis of short distances on tea areas of ten cities and towns and six meteorologic factors showed that tea in Shandong is distributed mainly in four ecological regions. There are Rizhao and Qingdao, Linyi, Junan and Jiaonan of Qingdao; Taian and Xintai; as well as Laoshan of Qingdao and Zhucheng of Weifang. Analysis of variation indexes on tea in each ecological areas showed that frozen injury from light to heavy on tea dispersed piebald-style. Analysis of typical relativity showed that each meteorological factor is positively correlated with the change of tissue structure in tea leaf, among these meteorological factors, the most important factors on tea variation are annual rainfall and the extreme lowest temperature, followed by average annual temperature , frost-free period and sunshine hour, January average annual temperature in January showed little influence on it. With leaf structure the thickness of palisade tissue is most sensitive to climate, then the ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue and the thickness of spongy tissue. The thickness of leaf and the upper epidermis showed no relationship with the meteorologic factors.
    Study on Catechins’ Buffer Abilities to OH and Their Complex with Al3+
    TANG De-song, SHEN Sheng-rong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2003, 23(1):  66-70.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2003.01.014
    Abstract ( 367 )   PDF (339KB) ( 158 )  
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    In this paper, reactions of catechins chelating with Al3+ were studied. The results showed that, catechins have strong buffer abilities to OH, and EGCG’s is stronger than that of E or EC, After adding Al3+ to catechin solution, its pH value decreased and absorbance at 274βnm went down and at 322βnm went up. The ratio of EGCG-Al in the complex is 1:1.