
茶叶科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 469-479.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.05.004

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任恒泽1, 向勤锃1, 赵秀秀1, 蔡鲁2, 张丽霞1,*   

  1. 1. 山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院 山东 泰安 271018;
    2. 山东圣豪植物科技有限公司 山东 滨州 256600
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-21 修回日期:2018-04-08 出版日期:2018-10-15 发布日期:2019-10-15
  • 通讯作者: *zlx_sdau@163.com
  • 作者简介:任恒泽,男,硕士研究生,主要从事茶树生理生态与栽培技术研究。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Apical -shoots and Functional Leaves on the Fast Propagation of Tea Cuttings under the Condition of Full-illumination and Mist

REN Hengze1, XIANG Qinzeng1, ZHAO Xiuxiu1, CAI Lu2, ZHANG Lixia1,*   

  1. 1. College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai′an 271018, China;
    2. Shandong Shenghao Plant Technology Co, Ltd, Binzhou 256600, China
  • Received:2017-12-21 Revised:2018-04-08 Online:2018-10-15 Published:2019-10-15

摘要: 为进一步缩短茶树无性苗繁育周期,提高无性苗质量,本试验以3年生台茶12号(又名金萱)茶树嫩枝为扦插材料,采用全光照弥雾快繁育苗技术,研究了插穗顶梢保留与摘除、不保留成熟功能叶、保留1~3片成熟功能叶对茶树扦插苗根系和地上部生长的影响,并于扦插前对茶树嫩枝不同部位芽叶的相关生理生化指标进行了测定分析。结果表明,随叶片成熟度增加,可溶性糖和叶绿素含量呈递增趋势。净光合速率也随叶片成熟度的增加呈递增趋势,但以第2片成熟功能叶最高。可溶性蛋白含量随叶片成熟度的增加呈下降趋势,以顶部一芽一叶含量最高。带成熟功能叶插穗成活率和生根率均为100.00%,而不带成熟功能叶的一芽一叶插穗和一芽二叶插穗成活率和生根率均仅为5.00%和23.33%。根系生长以带3片功能叶留梢插穗最好,生根早且根量大,10βd内就有大量白色根点从茎段基部冒出,60%~70%茶苗形成二次根仅需37βd,且地上部新形成的成熟功能叶数也最多,但是新梢高度增长值小于保留顶梢带1片成熟功能叶插穗,基部茎粗增长值小于带2片成熟功能叶插穗。成熟功能叶片数的增加有利于根系生长发育,提高成活率和生根率;保留顶梢插穗的根系和地上部的生长优于去梢插穗。

关键词: 茶树, 嫩枝扦插, 顶梢, 功能叶, 快繁生根, 地上部生长

Abstract: To shorten the breeding cycle of tea clones and improve the seedling quality, twigs of three-year-old Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze cv. Taicha 12 (Jin Xuan) were used as cuttings materials for propagation under the condition of full-illumination and mist. The effects of apical-shoots and cuttings with one, two or three mature functional leaves on rooting and growth of tea cuttings were studied. The physiological and biochemical analysis of buds and leaves of different positions were performed before the cuttage. The results showed that soluble sugar and chlorophyll content increased with the maturity of leaves increased. The net photosynthetic rate showed a similar trend with its peak in the second functional leaves. The contents of soluble protein exhibited an opposite trend with the leaf maturity and the apical shoot with one bud and tender leaves possessed the highest soluble protein contents. Both the survival and rooting rates of cuttings with mature functional leaves were 100.00%, but those for single-bud cuttings with one or two tender leaves were only 5.00% and 23.33% respectively. The best materials for rooting were the cuttings with apical shoot and three mature functional leaves, which possessed the fastest speed of rooting and had the maximum amount of roots. A large number of roots emerged from the base of stem segment within 10 days and the formation of secondary roots for 60%-70% tea cuttings only required 37 days. Its new formed functional leaves were also more than others. However, the seedling heights of tea cuttings with apical shoot and three mature functional leaves were less than those with one bud and two tender leaves. The increasement of basal stem diameter was also smaller. The formation of new functional leaves facilitated root growth and development, which could also improve survival and rooting rates. The rooting and growth of cuttings with apical shoot were better than cuttings without apical shoot.

Key words: tea, softwood cutting, apical shoot, functional leaves, fast propagation and rooting, aerial growth
