
茶叶科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 315-323.

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苏宝财1,2, 李禹萱1,2, 宫鹏1,2   

  1. 1. 福建农林大学经济学院,福建 福州,350002;
    2. 福建农林大学休闲农业研究所,福建 福州,350002
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-09 修回日期:2017-04-17 出版日期:2017-06-15 发布日期:2019-08-22
  • 作者简介:苏宝财,男,讲师,主要从事农户行为与茶叶经济方面的研究,E-mail:184722892@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Study on the Tea Farmers′ Cognition and Participation Model to Tea Manor——Based on the Survey Data of Fujian Province

SU Baocai1,2, LI Yuxuan1,2, GONG Peng1,2   

  1. 1. Institute of Agri-tourism, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China;
    2. College of Economics, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
  • Received:2017-03-09 Revised:2017-04-17 Online:2017-06-15 Published:2019-08-22

摘要: 茶庄园是茶产业提档升级的新型生产经营模式,它的推广与完善,离不开茶农的参与。本文从个体特征、社会经济特征、茶庄园功能认知3个维度探讨农户参与茶庄园生产的意愿和行为,构建一个茶农对茶庄园经营模式认知与参与的理论分析框架,并运用福建省438份茶农数据进行实证分析。结果表明,茶农的年龄、茶叶收入、茶叶收入与预期比较、对茶庄园品牌和茶旅游的认知,对其参与茶庄园生产的意愿和行为具有显著的正向影响;而茶庄园生产是否吸引年轻人回乡创业和茶庄园生产是否促进茶叶生产加工新技术的采用两者对茶农参与茶庄园生产的意愿和行为影响不显著。因此,完善地方政府服务职能,提高茶农对茶庄园经营模式的认知水平,政府应增加茶农参与茶庄园经营模式的财政补贴,培育茶庄园经营模式的示范户。

关键词: 茶庄园, 农户认知, 参与意愿, 参与模式

Abstract: Tea Manor is the new mode of production and operation during tea industrial upgrading, and its popularization and improvement are largely dependent on the participation of farmers. In this paper, the willingness and behavior of farmers to participate in the production of tea manor from three dimensions: individual characteristics, social and economic characteristics and the functional cognition of tea manor were discussed by surveying 438 farmers in Fujian province. At the same time, the farmers′ cognition of the management model of tea manor and the theoretical framework for participation were constructed. The results showed that the age of tea farmers, income, tea revenue compared with expectations, tea manor brand, tea tourism cognition had significantly positive effects on their participation in tea manor. However, the production of tea manor to attract young people to return and start business, and the adoption of new technologies had no significant effect. Therefore, improving the service functions of local government and farmers′ cognition on tea manor are important for the development of tea manor. The government should increase the financial subsidies for farmers′ participation and breed model household of tea manors.

Key words: tea manor, farmers′ cognition, willingness to participate, participation model
