Journal of Tea Science ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 233-248.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2022.02.008
• Research Paper • Previous Articles Next Articles
XIANG Jing1, LIANG Yuerong1, ZHAO Dong1, WANG Kairong2, LU Jianliang1, YUAN Ming'an3, ZHENG Xinqiang1,*
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XIANG Jing, LIANG Yuerong, ZHAO Dong, WANG Kairong, LU Jianliang, YUAN Ming'an, ZHENG Xinqiang. Variation of Oil Content in Tea Seed Kernel and Fatty Acid Compositions and Contents in Tea Seed Oil among Different Culitivars and Regions[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(2): 233-248.
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