Journal of Tea Science ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 887-900.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2024.06.012
• Research Paper • Previous Articles Next Articles
YANG Nan1,3, LI Zhuan1,3, LIU Meichen1,3, MA Junjie1,3, SHI Yuntao1,3, WEI Xiangning1,3, LIN Yangshun2, MAO Yuyuan1,3,*, GAO Shuilian1,2,3,*
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YANG Nan, LI Zhuan, LIU Meichen, MA Junjie, SHI Yuntao, WEI Xiangning, LIN Yangshun, MAO Yuyuan, GAO Shuilian. Studies on the Regulation of EGCG Biosynthesis in Tea Plants by Potassium Nutrition[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2024, 44(6): 887-900.
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